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Monstres hybride mi-humaine / mi-animal EmptyMar 8 Déc - 9:10 par Kathy :-)

» Entre le Rêve et la Réalité Une partie de mon livre sur les rêves.
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Monstres hybride mi-humaine / mi-animal

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Message par Kathy :-) Jeu 13 Juin - 6:28

Monstres hybride mi-humaine / mi-animal

Monstres hybride mi-humaine / mi-animal 7308_111

Monstres hybride mi-humaine / mi-animal 7308_10201327981822752_411878251_n

Quelle planète va-t-elle être dans 50 ans ??? ouff

Les fous sont pas tous a bonne place !! ?????

Monstres hybride mi-humaine / mi-animal sont créés par les scientifiques du monde et tout est parfaitement légal. Les scientifiques justifient mélangeant l'ADN des humains et des animaux, affirmant que cela les aidera à «guérir les maladies» et «nourrir le monde», mais la réalité est que tout cela modification génétique est une énorme menace pour la race humaine.

Ce n'est qu'une question de temps avant que les humains commencent à se permettre génétiquement modifié afin de "lutter contre les maladies» ou «améliorer» ses capacités.

La tentation d'insérer des gènes d'animaux ou de plantes dans les gens afin de créer des «super soldats» ou une «race supérieure» sans doute devenu trop tentant. Si rien n'est fait pour contenir tout cela, il sera apparemment presque certain éclatement de l'enfer génétique de la race humaine.

Crazy worldwide scientists are "playing God" with the same building blocks of life. Today, thanks to extraordinary advances in the field of genetic modification, scientists are now able to do things that were once unthinkable.

Hybrid monsters part human / part animal are being created by the scientists of the world and everything is perfectly legal. The scientists justify mixing the DNA of humans and animals, claiming that it will help them "cure disease" and "feed the world", but the reality is that all this genetic modification is a huge threat to the human race.

It is only a matter of time before humans begin to afford themselves genetically modified in order to "fight against diseases" or "improve" its capabilities.

The temptation to insert genes from animals or plants in people in order to create "super soldiers" or a "superior race" undoubtedly become too tempting. Unless something is done to contain all of this, it will apparently be almost certain outbreak of genetic hell on the human race.

Once genetically modified humans begin to breed to normal humans not we put the genie back bottle. Eventually, we could reach the point where there is "100 %" very few human beings. Jeremy Rifkin and his question: we are on the cusp of the biological Renaissance, as some believe, or we're scattering the seeds of our own destruction? It has sounded the alarm in the Los Angeles Times about what is happening in the field of genetic research, pursuing the creation of hybrid specimens therapeutic purposes, half human, half animal, unless you know for sure where these works will lead.

Stanford University intends to inject human cells in the fetus of a mouse, thereby creating a variety of mouse humanoid by 1%. It also aims to create a mouse with 100% of human cells. On the other hand, as reported by Der Spiegel, scientists from the Max Planck Institute in Germany have implanted human stem cells into the brains of monkeys, with the aim of developing possible genetic treatments of some neurodegenarativas diseases.

Finally, in the University of Reno, United States, as reported by msnbc, there are a flock of 50 sheep possessing partially human livers, hearts with human cells and even brains with human footprints. It is the first herd of animals "humans" which is constancy.

Becomes the "Humanzee" in other experiments will have injected human stem cells in mice, human DNA has been introduced in rabbits, pigs carrying in his veins human blood and sheep with livers and heart to a large extent have been created human. According to Rifkin, some scientists have proposed even to create a "humanzee" (of the human and chimpanzee English) that would be the ideal Guinea pig for research laboratories.

The chimpanzee shares with us 98% of the human genome and an adult has the mental level of a four-year-old boy. The first experience of genetic creation took place a few years ago in Edinburgh, Scotland, when scientists mixed an embryo of Lamb with goat, two animal species without any kinship between themselves and they are incapable of mating.

The result, a creature that had head of goat and lamb body. The intent that lies behind this research is crossing our species with animals to obtain hybrids of all classes that represent a panacea for medical research.

Scientists consider that more resemble an animal to a human, easier will be simulating the progression of human diseases in their flesh, experimenting new drugs and collect tissue of organs that can be implanted in people.

This idea also means the creation through genetic manipulation of animal organs that can then be transplanted in their entirety to sick people. At the legal border so far, all of these experiments are developed within the law, according to its authors, while some are being investigated. The Academy of the science of United States is limited for the moment to 'recommend' that should not be inserted human cells in embryos of chimpanzees and other primates.

However, the National Council of the ethics of Germany has raised a protest by the experiments of the Max Planck Institute, who have managed to develop tumors in the nervous system of the apes after implanting them with human cells in the brain. But the consequences of these investigations, that otherwise take years to provide valid results for medicine, can be considerable.

Socially ethical debate if it can humanize animals and then deprive them of the dignity that we have recognized as a species is already raised.

On the other hand, is the danger that some hybrids created in laboratory escape and populate the Earth, unless you know yet what consequences can illuminate for other species, the environment and even the human society.

Question unanswered as it raises Rifkin, scientists have achieved the power of rewriting the history of the evolution: spreading parts of Homo sapiens in the rest of the animal Kingdom and merge parts of other species with our own genome and even create new subspecies and superespecies.

The question still unanswered is: we are on the cusp of the biological Renaissance, as some believe, or we're scattering the seeds of our own destruction?
– avec Janette Killuminati.
Monstres hybride mi-humaine / mi-animal 7308_110
Kathy :-)
Kathy :-)

Messages : 2299
Date d'inscription : 18/04/2011

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